Are you planning to take or retake the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) in the near future?
What Students Should Know About the TSIA2
- The exam determines a student’s readiness for college-level reading, math, and writing.
- The TSIA2 is comprised of 3 parts: English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR), Mathematics, and Essay.
- Students who fail a part or parts of the TSIA2 will be required to take developmental (remedial) classes. These classes do not count toward a student’s degree program, adding additional time (and often, expenses) to the student’s college experience.
What Class of 2023 & Younger Students Should Know About the TSIA2
- Students who attain a minimum ACT composite score of 23 and at least a 19 on the ACT English and at least a 19 on the ACT math are exempt from the TSIA2.
- Students who attain at least a 480 on the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and at least a 530 on the SAT math are exempt from the TSIA2.
- If a student is not exempt from the TSIA2 because of SAT or ACT scores or these other exemptions, taking a strong algebra-based math class in 12th grade will enable the student to prepare for the exam. Think Algebra II, Pre-calculus, or Calculus.
While avoiding algebra will help a senior coast through the end of high school, he or she will struggle as a college student. Statistics, Math Models, Algebra III, or a math fluff class will not do the job. These colleges are not playing with these placement exams.
What Parents Should Know About TSIA2 & Developmental Classes
It’s simpler for your student to boost his or her math, reading, and writing performance while he or she is under your roof. This past school year, I taught students striving to complete remedial classes. These students lived on campuses that are at least 90 minutes away from their hometowns. Getting them to attend tutoring — consistently and on time — was stressful and melodramatic. Profanity lit up the Distraught Parents’ Hotline! When your student is home, attendance and punctuality are easier to control.
Resources for the TSIA2
The College Board is the creator of the TSIA2. Visit the College Board’s TSIA2 information page and its sample questions.
- College Board’s TSIA2 English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) Sample Questions
- College Board’s TSIA2 Mathematics Sample Questions
- College Board’s TSIA2 Essay Test Guide with Sample Essays
For extra practice, use these practice exams from EBSCO LearningExpress.
- TSIA2 ELAR Practice Test 1
- TSIA2 ELAR Practice Test 2
- TSIA2 Math Practice Test 1
- TSIA2 Math Practice Test 2
Note: These practice exams lack the functionality and explanations of the online versions. For Harris County Public Library cardholders, access to the online versions is free. Follow these steps.
- Visit If you are logged into the website, log out.
- Go to the very bottom of the page. Click Research Databases.
- On left side of page, select School & College Prep.
- Click Learning Express: College Admissions Test Preparation.
- If prompted, enter your library card number or register for a library card.
- Top left toolbar: Click the drop-down menu for Centers. College Center Plus>Prepare for State Placement Tests.
- Click Prepare for State Placement Tests: Select TSIA Preparation.